Landlord Information
Under provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, the Marion County Housing Authority has been authorized by the U.S. Government to provide assistance to persons of modest income who are seeking housing that might otherwise be beyond their financial means.
The Section 8 Housing Assistance Program is a voluntary program. Families may apply to the Housing Authority to receive Section 8 Assistance. The participant’s (Tenant’s) portion of the total monthly shelter costs (dwelling rent and utilities) is based upon their income. In accordance with current Federal Regulations, the Housing Authority will determine what portion of the shelter costs will be paid by Tenant (approximately 30% of their income). The Authority portion of the shelter costs is paid by the Housing Authority as subsidy.
Landlord Resources
- HUD.GOV – HCV Landlord Resources
- HUD Exchange – HCV Landlord Resources
- Fair Market Rent
- Upcoming Inspection Changes due to HUD’s NSPIRE Implementation
Rental Assistance Program Participation
Unit Requirements
Voucher holders are responsible for locating a rental unit (it may be the unit they currently occupy) that meets the following requirements:
- Located within Authority’s jurisdiction (exceptions may apply)
- Owner/Agent must agree to participate
- Unit must meet Quality Standards
- Total Shelter Costs should be reasonable
General Information for Landlords
1. A lease will be required that:
- is between the owner and tenant
- is not less than 12 months in duration
- a current lease of shorter duration may be extended or a new lease executed
- will be renewed at the end of its period, unless the owner refuses to renew it for good cause, or the tenant and landlord mutually agree to terminate their agreement
2. The Contract Rent specified in the lease will be paid by the tenant and partially by the Authority.
- The owner collects the tenant’s portion of the rent from the tenant in the usual manner.
- The Authority’s portion of the rent will be paid by a check, drawn on a local bank, and will be mailed to the Landlord on the first day of each month for which the rent is payable.
- Annual increases in the rent are permitted after the first year
- Special increases are permitted above the annual rate if it is demonstrated that increases in property taxes, utility rates, or similar costs have increased operation costs not adequately covered in the annual adjustment.
3. Screening and selection of a tenant remains a normal private management function of the Landlord within the confines of law. An owner is never required to accept a voucher holder. All contracts and leases specify the particular unit and participant in the program.
4. If an owner seeks to evict a Section 8 tenant for unpaid rent, or other good cause, the Authority must be informed. Evictions must be in accordance with Illinois law and do not require the Authority’s consent.
5. The owner is encouraged to collect a security deposit no greater than 30% of the tenant’s monthly income or $50.00, whichever is higher.
6. If the tenant vacates in violation of the lease term, the owner is entitled to the full amount of the rent for the month in which the vacancy occurs.
7. In order to participate in the program, the owner and tenant must complete and forward to the Authority the following items:
- Request for Lease Approval
- Copy of the Proposed Lease (If the landlord wishes, the Housing Authority will provide a lease)
The “Request for Lease Approval” is provided by the Housing Authority. The Authority will inspect the unit for housing quality compliance and furnish the owner two copies of the Housing Assistance Payment Contract for execution.
The names of participating owners will be kept confidential and additional Voucher Holders will be referred only upon the owner’s request. Some owners have agreed to discuss their experience in the program with other owners or agents.
Potential Landlords are welcome to visit the Voucher Program Office to discuss the program before entering into any agreement with Voucher Holders. Please call for an appointment to insure adequate time for discussion.
For additional HCV Landlord Resources, follow this link: